New Student Special
1 Week Unlimited - $25 with coupon code: UNLIMITED25
- Create an account
- Add One Week Unlimited to cart
- Click 'Add To Cart' and then apply coupon code
Single Class - $15
5 Class pass - $60
($12.00 per class) Expires six months from date of purchase.
Excludes special events and Aerial classes
10 Class Pass - $110
($11.00 per class) Expires six months from date of purchase.
Excludes special events and Aerial classes
Basic Unlimited Membership - Autopay Membership (Four-month commitment) - $85
Includes all weekly classes on our schedule. (Excludes Aerial Yoga and events and workshops)
Unlimited Plus Membership - Autopay Membership (Four-month commitment) - $99
Includes all weekly classes on our schedule, Aerial Yoga and events. Excludes Series.
30-Day Unlimited Pass - $100
(Expires 30 days from the date of purchase)
Excludes Aerial classes
Aerial Yoga - $20
Aerial Yoga 4 Class Pass- $70
($17.50 per class) Expires six months from the date of purchase.
Gift Cards
Choose any amount that suits the occasion and receive a printable gift-certificate by email that you can hand-deliver or email directly to the recipient.
Classes taken beyond the expiration date of Class Pass are considered unpaid and charged at the single class drop-in rate.
​No credit classes, refunds or transfer of classes.
Class Passes are nontransferable from student to student and cannot be shared.
Auto pay memberships cannot be extended for any Holiday closings. For a list of holiday closings, see our Contact Us page.
If you sign in online, you must cancel your reservation three hours prior to start time to avoid your class being forfeited.
Active and Retired Military, Veterans and Police/Firefighters/EMT receive a 20% discount on our 5 and 10 Class Passes with a valid ID. Must be purchased in studio.
College students receive a 20% discount on our 5 and 10 Class Passes with a valid ID. Must be purchased in studio.
Please call or email for inquiries on a specific date and rental rates.